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    [eris]You didn’t tell me nothing.[/eris]


    Dark eyes slid to the side to look at her. Just telling her she was summoned at this point was violating protocol. He wondered if she knew that. But she was just pissed at the moment so he didn’t say more, letting her vent until her cheek was grasped like a big brother tugging on his baby sister's face to chill her out. Truth was, he liked her, and did have her back. Her evil glare got an impish Spanish grin in return as he let her skin go. At least his words seemed to draw a bit of relaxation in the tension behind her eyes.


    He had meant it.


    [eris] Just watch the radar, shorty. Pinch my cheek again and I'll eat you hermanote.[/eris]


    Brother?.... when had he gone from "hey you" to brother? Grin slid his lips, she was so damn small he could roll her up and stuff her in the arm of one of his tees… and she was calling him shorty? She needed to be pinned down and tickled till she peed herself. Always so serious. Then again, so was he. He wondered if the outcome in Scotland would make her even more serious. Be a shame, it was the imp in her that seemed to be a kin-spirit to something that kept itself hidden in him.


    [gabriele]…ah 'manita, but they are so pinchable.[/gabriele]


    Quiet words came as he studied her radar. He fell silent, frown creasing his brow as he got lost in thought, even the fact that they were up in a plane lost to him for the briefest moment before he softly asked something that had been bothering him a while.


    [gabriele]….Bodhan decides he doesn’t want to pledge… can you button this thing up so he can wait inside while we take care of business?[/gabriele]


    If Bodhan wasn’t going to pledge, Gabriele was not going to risk him setting foot inside headquarters. Before some zealot got any crazy ideas that he was there for "entertainment".

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    Resisting the urge to lean across the cockpit and smack the smartass grin off his face took more control than she thought, features settling into an serious, yet annoyed expression. 


    "…ah 'manita, but they are so pinchable."


    Lashes shifted again in his direction betrayed the secondary ‘fuck you’ glance to his next round of sass.  Fingers tightened on the controls, seriously resisting the urge to lean over and pummel him in the arm.  She would get him back… maybe on the ground, with a baseball bat to the back of his head…  but not in her plane.  She was too much of a professional and she respected his fears too much.  Eyes went back to intently scanning the dark sky.  Scotland was always a crapshoot, because England was a fucking sky minefield.  He had grown silent, leaving him to his thoughts as long as he was watching her back on the radar.

    "….Bodhan decides he doesn’t want to pledge… can you button this thing up so he can wait inside while we take care of business?"

    [eris]Yes.[/eris]  answer simple to an incredibly complicated situation.  She’d been in it, and for all her power, and resolve… in the end she still couldn’t save Reid.  She felt compelled to say something, to school the man and save him the heartache.  He would never listen, and she didn't want to put herself in the position of saying "I told you so", because then he would hate her.


    [eris]He will.[/eris]  She was sure of it.  One did not get into bed with their kind lightly, and Marin was a do-gooder.    Unsure of how the post-Event world had treated him, before the mess she knew he did things for the need of the greater good with very little regard for himself.  It would end up getting him killed one day most likely, but for now… his words before disappearing into the back cabin lingered with her.


    [eris]He’ll do anything for you,[/eris]  it was her turn for quiet words.  [eris]He sees a threat, he goes after it with every resource.  The Sheut are a resource to keep you safe.  That’s his geek community reputation anyway.[/eris]

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    He wasn’t sure why he enjoyed teasing her. It felt…. comfortable. The Spaniard rarely felt comfortable. She was going to beat his ass if she got her hands on him after finding out who he was in the Nation.




    Her simple response to being able to button up the plane drew a soft exhale of air. Relief maybe. Head rested back once more, thick lashes half closed as the dark eyes remained on the radar instead of out the window. Somehow that was less…disturbing.


    [eris]He will.[/eris]


    [gabriele]…maybe…… I won't force him.[/gabriele]


    There was affection in the soft answer, something others never got to see from the Spaniard. For some reason Eris wasn’t… "others". He wondered if this budding relationship would crumble once her status changed in Scotland. Those that knew, didn’t make nice with the Executioner.


    [eris]He'll do anything for you…[/eris]


    Brow lifted as head turned to look at her. She seemed so sure of things in his relationship that he himself was not sure of. Hell he still wasn’t entirely clear how Bodhan felt about him.


    Frown descended as he went back to staring at the radar.


    [eris] He sees a threat, he goes after it with every resource. The Sheut are a resource to keep you safe. That’s his geek community reputation anyway.[/eris]


    She had barely met the Czech, and seemed to know him better than the Spaniard, even had thoughts of who he had been, something Gabriele was clueless on. Frown deepened as the last drops of the bottle were cleared from the glass, bottle falling to rest between his thighs. Silence was heavy as the hooded expression continued to frown at the radar portal.


    [gabriele]…he loses me….[/gabriele]


    Words were incredibly soft, distant and confessional.


    [gabriele]… when he goes all sciency… he loses me completely. [/gabriele]


    There was a hint of innocent jealousy in knowing she at least at some level, understood what Bodhan was talking about. The Spaniard was far from stupid, in fact he was dangerously intelligent. But he didn’t have a day of schooling in his background. Science at the level that Bodhan could discuss was about the equivalent of Chinese to the Spaniard. Powerful fingers pinched the bridge of the oft broken nose, the Czech might be pissed that the vampire had not shared some of the secrets he would share once Bodhan had pledged…. assuming he could get Ausar to bless it. The secrets were secrets to even most of the Sheut nation, including Eris for now. If he had his way, both would be in the know shortly.


    For now… he just needed to get on the ground in one piece. He hadn't missed the bank earlier. They were getting close. Lips pursed a bit before sideglancing at her, he knew he wasn’t going to be so calm on descent. Irrational fear was not something he ever would have dreamed to suffer from, and he didn’t for anything in his life… except flying.


    [gabriele]… how far out are we.[/gabriele]

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    "…maybe…… I won't force him."

    [eris]He will,[/eris]  she urged again, reciprocating his soft tone and embodying it with what she didn’t feel often- hope.  Maybe she slipped a bit of her past dealing with a significant other, maybe it didn’t.  They were in her plane, her cockpit, and she would deny this conversation every existed anyway- after she pummeled his ass when they landed of course.


    [eris]Radar, eyes on the radar,[/eris]  her quip was quick when he looked at her.  [eris]I don’t feel like being a Hot Pocket for a dragon.  They HAD to pick Scotland.  Aren’t many pilots that can run this gauntlet.  I can't watch both.[/eris]

    "…he loses me…."

    The scoff was light, she knew that feeling.


    "… when he goes all sciency… he loses me completely. "

    [eris]That seminar I spoke of?  He lost me in the first ten minutes.  I have a genius IQ, graduated Ivy league before I was twenty, was a pilot in junior high… he leaves me in the dust.[/eris]  She was quiet a moment.  [eris]Really glad we didn’t lose him in the mess.  Lost too many.  Where’d you find him anyway?[/eris]


    Brow snapped down again as he rubbed between his eyes, wanting to rib him again but knowing they had just passed out of the range of danger but his focus on the radar seemed to keep him calm and talking.

    "… how far out are we."


    [eris]Descending,[/eris]  She reached up and ran a series of switches that began to close every window screen, including the one in the back compartment.  They were landing in the daytime, and she didn’t want prying eyes peeking into her plane, or freak-out man able to see out.  It was time for him to leave the cockpit.  [eris]Hour tops.  Might want to go wake up sleeping beauty, the bathroom is stocked in case he wants to do human freshen up type things.  You too, you smell like a bar.  Don't want everyone to think I drive a party bus.[/eris]

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    [eris]He will.[/eris]


    She repeated her earlier judgement of the situation and he found himself hoping she was right.


    [eris] I don’t feel like being a Hot Pocket for a dragon. They HAD to pick Scotland.[/eris]


    Grin came again as he glanced at her.


    [gabriele]…best place to hide a top secret place you want no one to find is put it where no one is willing to go.[/gabriele]


    That really had been the thought behind Ausar's choice of Scotland. Gabriele had been around then, he had been around from the very beginning. His more sullen silence came as he considered Bodhan's genius.


    [eris] I have a genius IQ, graduated Ivy league before I was twenty, was a pilot in junior high… he leaves me in the dust. Really glad we didn’t lose him in the mess. Lost too many. Where’d you find him anyway?[/eris]


    Somehow her high schooling didn’t make the Spaniard feel better at the moment. Though that she couldn’t keep up with Bodhan either took a bit of the edge off. Lips quirked up in a grin as the dark gaze watched the radar.


    [gabriele]…cabin in the woods. Ways off from…everything.[/gabriele]


    He left out the part about the Spaniard almost killing him himself. He felt a shift in his weight in the plane. Descending. He realized it a moment before she said it. Swallow a bit thick.


    [eris] Might want to go wake up sleeping beauty, the bathroom is stocked in case he wants to do human freshen up type things. You too, you smell like a bar. [/eris]


    The smile was faint before he gave a slight nod.


    [gabriele]..probably right.[/gabriele]


    Standing he paused next to her. Silent a moment before the powerful hand came down lightly on her shoulder, the squeeze a silent communication not to worry about what was coming before it slid from her form.


    [gabriele]….be sure to keep a minute for yourself to do the same.[/gabriele]


    With the soft words he walked back into the darkened cabin.


    Breath sighed heavily from his chest. The weight of the world seemed to rest on the Spaniard's shoulders. Feet stopped at the foot of the bed, dark eyes watching the heavy lift and fall of the Czech's chest. It was a deep and exhausted sleep, he didn’t want to wake him. Instead he passed by to the door at the back that he assumed correctly was the bathroom. Door was closed softly behind him before the light was flipped on. Frown was instant as he looked in the mirror. Dark circles under the thick lashes aged him, the fluorescent light catching every gray to remind him of the life he had already led. Cold water was splashed over his features, pulled over the fuzzed curls to soak them to tighter spirals of wet silk. Jacket was slid off and hung on the back of the door before the shirt was pulled over his head and tossed on the sink. He frowned at his image again… he looked like a scarred mountain man. Several drawers were opened until he claimed some shaving foam and a razor and made quick work of his much scruffier than 5'oclock shadow. The facial hair once more tailored to the strong jawline and around the full lips before he finished washing up by gargling with the mouthwash and tossing a bit of light cologne on.


    Light was turned off before he opened the door, dark eyes flicking to the window beside the heavily resting Czech. She must have closed them. Reaching for their suitcase, he pulled out a fresh ebony t-shirt, sliding it over his form before shaking out the more casual gray blazer, leaving it over a chair before finally sitting on the side of the bed, powerful fingers pushing through the closely cut ginger curls. He hated to wake him. It had only been a few hours. But with maybe thirty minutes left before they landed, the Czech had to decide what he was going to do.


    Leaning down the lips pressed to the faintly warm forehead before the thumb rubbed along his cheek.


    [gabriele]…Bodhan… we are almost there.[/gabriele]

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    Lost completely to a thick, exhausted sleep… he hadn’t even moved.  Mind didn’t wander or play games, simply left the Czech to recharge from the long road he should have never taken from Los Angeles, but was entirely necessary to start the inevitable in motion.  A mechanical noise was first to lift his consciousness from its drift, questioning, always inquiring to what something was even in oblivion. Soft sprays of sunlight that were tickling his nose slowly were lost to darkness as the shades closed and encased them all into darkness before his eyes had the first chance in years to see the sun from above the clouds.


    Faintly aware someone was moving near him, unconsciousness flicked through the normal scents and sounds he’d become accustomed to and lulled him back to sleep.  Deep breath pulled into his lungs as he fell the “nudge” to awareness on his forehead, nose scrunched at the brush of cheek.


    "…Bodhan… we are almost there."


    Groan was sleepily annoyed, forearm coming up to cover his eyes.


    [bodhan]…just… a few more minutes.. gingers don’t have to shave every day anyway.[/bodhan]  the still half asleep humor hadn’t registered completely yet what exactly was happening, only the exhaustion that had finally completely claimed him.  He hurt, a lot.  Hot shower, hot bath more like it… the hum of engines finally bringing the forearm down and light lashes to part somewhat.


    Cords on his neck flickered, his head raising slightly to take in the plane before thumping back heavily to the meaty pillow.  [bodhan]…forgot about the jet lag…[/bodhan]


    Nimble fingers rubbed his eyes, teeth snapping playfully at the thumb that had rubbed his cheek.  Vision always took a few moments to find focus, another conversation they needed to have soon, finally leaning up to swing his legs over the edge and rest for a moment before stretching in a series of pops and crackles. His back still hurt from the cross country bike ride, and a really comfortable bed reminded him frequently of it.


    He shed down to dress pants before stepping into the bathroom.  Compared to the dozens of flights to various, mostly inhospitable places he’d been to this was a joy.  Unfortunately though, he didn’t think tee shirts and a pair of old shabby jeans were going to be acceptable so he was going to have to re-wear his suit.  Water ran through his hair, he stepped out and rummaged for his toothbrush.  Of all the luxuries in the world he could go without, a toothbrush wasn’t one of them.  Ever.  Glasses moved from his jacket to their normal perch on top of his head.


    He stood in the doorway, scrubbing at his molars a moment.  The Spaniard had already cleaned up.


    [bodhan]What the hell did you do with yourself all night?[/bodhan]  he asked, rinsing everything off and knocking back some mouthwash to swish as he finished cleaning up and pulled his clothes back on.  Tucking in his shirt, he buckled his belt and found his shoes just in time to feel the plane dip on one side to turn.  Time to find a seatbelt.  Jacket slid on, he moved into the main cabin and sat with a wince.  Back.  Hurt.

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    God he was cute when he was sleepy. Smile slid over the Spaniards lips as the thumb rubbed a bit firmer on the nearly smooth cheek. Grin expanded when the groan was accompanied by the Czech covering his eyes.


    [bodhan] …just… a few more minutes.. gingers don’t have to shave every day anyway.[/bodhan]


    Chuckle was soft in the barrel chest as the thumb continued to rub on the cheek waiting for recognition of where they were to come to his sleepy companion. Finally the younger head lifted only to thunk back down on the pillow.


    [bodhan]…forgot about the jet lag.[/bodhan]


    Chuckle rumbled again as his fingers were snapped after.


    [gabriele].. we have about thirty minutes before we land, there is a restroom to wash up in if you would like.[/gabriele]


    Brow quirked as the Czech removed all but his pants. Thoughts that he had no time to act on flitting through his head before shaking it off with a grin. Later. When they were alone at the cabin. As Bodhan started to clean up he instead rummaged in the suitcase for a new shirt for the Czech. Deciding on a heather blue that went well with the ginger's color and was tight on the Spaniard so would barely be too big for him. He laid it open on the bed for him before leaning against the doorframe into the bedroom waiting on the younger man.


    He couldn’t help but chuckle at the ginger looking at him again with the toothbrush half hanging out of his mouth.


    [bodhan]What the hell did you do with yourself all night?[/bodhan]


    Brow lifted high as the grin remained.


    [gabriele]…took horrible advantage of you of course.[/gabriele]


    They both knew that was a bold faced lie. The Spaniard didn’t lay a hand on the Czech without full permission to do so. The only time he "had his way" with him was when they were already in the throws of something intimate.


    The thought softened the smile but it slid away a moment later. There were important decisions that needed to be made.


    [gabriele]…Bodhan… you need to…[/gabriele]


    The tip and further bank snapped a hand to the doorframe, metal groaning as the dark eyes widened. Growl thundered in his chest…




    Her name swore through his clenched teeth even though he full well knew it was not done on purpose, he just felt better getting to growl about it. He followed the Czech and dropped into the seat in front of him, belt tightened to within an inch of its life as he hissed under his breath.


    [gabriele]…taking a damn boat back…[/gabriele]


    Head thunked back on the leather to look at the younger man… he was sore, the Spaniard could tell from the shift in his weight that Bodhan was stiff and needed a hot bath more than a confrontation with the Nation. Assuming he planned to confront the Nation.


    Voice was calm despite the deathgrip on the armrests that groaned from time to time under his abuse.


    [gabriele]…Bodhan… we are going to headquarters first. If you don’t want to pledge, you can lock up in the plane while I take care of business with Eris. Should only take a couple hours. Then we can head to my cabin.[/gabriele]


    He was offering him his free pass out. Despite his brute complex, the Spaniard would never force the younger man to do anything he didn’t want to.

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    "…took horrible advantage of you of course."

    Jade eyes rolled slightly as he scoffed through toothpaste and returned to the bathroom.


    [bodhan]…prude[/bodhan]  he said under his breath beneath the rush of water as he rinsed his toothbrush and finished up.

    "…Bodhan… you need to…  ..Erissss.."

    The tip of the plane barely registered, reaching up to pinch his nose and pop his ears.  This was old hat, Gabe’s growl covering up his own as the older man pressed.  He knew why they were there, and was tired of being bothered with it.  He felt he had no choice, and he knew they’d talked about the Spaniard’s issue with keeping him out of the loop until the last minute several days ago.

    "…taking a damn boat back…"

    [bodhan]No. Not taking a boat.[/bodhan]  now that was where he drew the line.  The Czech did not do well on water… would have been turn-around-fair-play, but Gabe didn’t need to know that.  Quirked brow flicked at him as he was studied.  [bodhan]No boats.  Boats sink. In this water, I would die… suffocate before I froze to death because your muscles spasm so hard you can’t breathe.  Do you even want me to explain what would happen to you?[/bodhan]


    Okay, so maybe he should have shut up.  He didn’t have many fears, but suffocating in incredible pain while you froze to death in the process was one of them.


    [bodhan]Now…Cancun.  Bahamas.  That’s a different story.[/bodhan] the quip was made quickly to cover up the fact that he was indeed terrified of water, glasses flipped down as he rifled his damp hair forward and backward again to clean it up for no other reason than to do it.

    "…Bodhan… we are going to headquarters first. If you don’t want to pledge, you can lock up in the plane while I take care of business with Eris. Should only take a couple hours. Then we can head to my cabin."

    Eyes flicked upward toward the cockpit, fingers moving nimbly over his tie to arrange it in an exquisitely arranged knot and tuck it into his buttoned suitcoat. Soft clunks under his feet signaled the landing gear was down.  Jaw set quietly, leaning his head back against the headrest. He was silent. Halfway across the world again, when all he wanted to do was be in his cabin in the mountains.  Eyes opened quietly, foot sliding forward between the Spaniards when he felt the level off and slight sway left and right until she got hold of the crosswind, barely feeling the wheels touch before the heavy shift in engines and pull forward on the reverse.


    They were quickly rolling under their own power, the sound of the quirky pilot snapping articulately that she could direct it into the hangar herself without a taxi met with a smirk from his lips.


    He tapped the Spaniard’s shoe.


    [bodhan]Alive over there?[/bodhan]

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    [gabriele]..am not..[/gabriele]


    The grumble was half under his breath as his face puckered like an obstinate pup, though as the younger man returned to the bathroom to rinse out his mouth the Spaniard glanced down and again poked his gut with a frown. Was he an old, fat, prude?


    The thought evaporated though as the plane began to dip. Boat.. definitely a boat.


    [bodhan]No. Not taking a boat.[/bodhan]


    Brow quirked up at the Czech. The response had been fairly… quick. As he listened to the explanation of boats sinking and suffocating in frozen waters he could hear his own irrational fears of flying. How had he not known that Bodhan had a fear of water. Of course until now, Bodhan had been oblivious to the Spaniard's flying Achilles heel either.


    [bodhan]Now…Cancun. Bahamas. That's a different story.[/bodhan]


    Fingers scratched at the neat short goatee on the chin thinking. The vampire had actually never been to either place. If they had time to kill they could talk about it more. But as he dropped into the chair it was becoming crystal clear they were running out of time.. and there was still so much to say if Bo decided to actually go through with it.


    Dark eyes watched the adjustment of the tie as his answer. A faint smile came over his lips as he breathed a soft sigh of relief just before the lashes squeezed shut and the arm rests threaten to tear their bolts from the cabin floor. The bumps of the gear going down having spawned a terror response.


    World was shrinking as breath continued to refuse to move in his chest. He travelled alone when flying for a reason. It was humiliating how out of control the big Spaniard was when it came to getting the fear tempered. He missed everything, the sway of crosswinds, the touch of wheels on pavement, the change in the engines… all was lost to him as the complexion went decidedly gray.


    The tap on his shoe caused air to burst from his lips. Aware finally that they were rolling, not gliding.


    [bodhan]Alive over there?[/bodhan]


    [gabriele]….oh hush.[/gabriele]


    Words barely husked out of his lips, their color still decidedly monochromatic.


    Hanger. A car would be waiting for them.




    They were out of time. They were supposes to have discussed all this at great length, three days in New York had been his plan. But things got crazy and forced the Spaniard's hand. The taint of a concerned frown shadowed his ashen expression as he released the suffering arm rests and leaned forward, words were in earnest.


    [gabriele]There isn't much time and I need to tell you a few things. In the car, don’t ask any questions. You know more already than I was really permitted to tell you since you are only considered a familiar of the Nation and not a member.[/gabriele]


    Heel of his hand pressed into his eyes, growling softly under his breath before looking at the Czech again.


    [gabriele]… and I am about to tell you more because I hate the cloak and dagger shit. I get the need for secrecy but… [/gabriele]


    Head shook it off.


    [gabriele]Ausar is likely to be there. He is the head of the Nation. There will be a strange woman with him. She is a truth seer and listens to all pledges, judging. Just speak your truth and there is nothing to worry about.[/gabriele]


    Hand rubbed the back of his neck as he felt the plane slowing to a stop in the hanger so they could disembark out of the sun.


    [gabriele]… as a familiar you are known simply as Bodhan. At this point no one but me knows your past and who you were….are… and that brilliant mind of yours.[/gabriele]


    There was a soft smile of affection.


    [gabriele]…if I had my way I would keep it that way. But Eris recognized you so it’s a fairly good assumption others might too.[/gabriele]


    He didn’t care if Eris heard his blasphemes, he had already committed so many if she was going to crucify him a few more were not going to make a difference.


    [gabriele]…last… the Nation isn't a vampire government. It’s a mix of people and races. Some vampires are sitting on the head council but it also has Magus and altered. Nation isnt in place to advance vampire status, but rather is there to regulate global power from the shadows. Purpose is to make sure that no single source of power gets "too" powerful.[/gabriele]


    Tongue snaked out to taint dry lips as he frowned at the sound of the hanger doors clanking shut and Eris unlocking the cabin door. Dark eyes flicked over his shoulder then back to the Czech.


    [gabriele]…wanted you to know what you were getting into before you did anything…. Still want to go? If not, you can stay and….[/gabriele]


    Bodhan standing and adjusting his jacket drew a gentle exhale from the Spaniard as well as a soft smile as he also stood, forehead pressing to the younger man's with a nod. Head slid down to rub his cheek against the Czech's, unclear if the affection was to calm Bo…or himself.


    [gabriele]…sorry for the rush. Wanted to explain it all properly but with everything that happened in New York… and since I had to come here for the Eris thing… it just… worked out this way.[/gabriele]


    Eris was already letting the steps touchdown, the Spaniard pulled his own blazer straight before exiting the plane, the door of the black limo held open, its windows opaque as he slid in back and waited for Bodhan and Eris to do the same.


    [npc]… you are earlier than we were expecting you Mr Salvatierra.[/npc]


    There was almost scolding in the driver's tone, but then the gopher had no clue who the Spaniard was in the Nation.


    [gabriele]Chase called ahead, so we are not unexpected either.[/gabriele]


    His own scolding came in the chilly tone of his lifeless voice, the driver lacking a retort. He was all business now. It was only ten minutes to Glamis.


    ((to be continued in Glamis))

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    • 2 weeks later...

    "..am not.."

    No… but sometimes he really wished he wouldn’t be such a gentleman in public.  Certainly not a lecher by any stretch, but the prude under the eyes of others had always left him wondering if the man was uncomfortable with their relationship. He’d never wanted to ask, probably should have a while ago, this most definitely was not the time.  Scoffing slightly as he caught the poking of his stomach from the corner of his eye, they rolled inward again.


    [bodhan]I’m kidding you big goof. The boat, the boat thing I’m not kidding about.  I will happily stay in Scotland. No boats.  Not safe.[/bodhan]


    He set that on the Spaniard’s quirked brow fairly quickly before he got any ideas.  He didn’t fear anything, his apprehensiveness was logical. Of course he wasn’t a fan of being underwater, but that was also a conversation for another time. Somehow he knew him divulging he’d been tortured on one occasion after their private security company had been overrun by locals in Latin America wouldn't sit well with Gabe.  Probably because the Spaniard most likely knew who they were.


    [bodhan]…think of it as a big… Bugatti…[/bodhan] he said as he watched the terror-stricken man through narrowed lashes.

    "….oh hush… Joder…"

    Lips curled up slightly, not making fun of him, but at the ease they could rib each other.  The Czech listened quietly to his quick run down of his entire world, expression somewhat amused. Not trying to be saucy or a smartass, but Gabe had never seen him in a business element.  The secrets he had to keep, even now were beyond anything comprehendible.  Confidences he’d had to keep in front of others for the sake of whoever was bankrolling the operation were even harder sometimes given his nature to want to question and share his discoveries.  Denying a cure to the masses when he knew how to save lives until the money said he could had always been the bane of his existence. Hence his seclusion, and cabin in the woods.  What he knew should be available to anyone that needed it, to stay alive though after the world went to hell he had to be careful who the anyone was.


    Latin America had made him painfully aware of that.


    Eyes flicked to him when he was told not to ask questions, and speak his truth?


    His truth was to question.  So maybe this wasn’t going to go very well, catching the float of his name from the Spaniard’s lips. He didn’t hear it often from him actually.  Casual conversation in private didn’t much have a need for it, and in the public eye it wasn’t something said.  Before the Event he was very aware they didn’t run in the same circles.  It was unlikely Gabe knew just how right he was by keeping the Czech under the radar. To the corporate world that existed before, he had been the rock star money maker of the pharmaceutical hullaballoo… anyone even remotely close to a Fortune 500 or that read any type of scholarly publication knew his name.  He was pretty certain Gabe was about to find out how smart he’d been to stay in his little cabin in the woods for as long as he did.


    Expression hadn’t changed, even as the lashes sunk lower and a small sigh escaped his lips at the mention of a governing body to make sure one side didn’t get too powerful.

    "…wanted you to know what you were getting into before you did anything…. Still want to go? If not, you can stay and…."

    As he stood and smoothed his jacket, the expression was a serious one.  Contemplating if he should warn the man or not.  If push came to shove, he’d put Gabe into a heavy position and was beginning to feel concerned about it.  No one side would stay in a balance of power with him on it. Being attached to a Sheut may cause more problems that he could ever predict, and a danger to both of them.  Percolating worry was halted the moment the taller forehead touched his.

    "…sorry for the rush. Wanted to explain it all properly but with everything that happened in New York… and since I had to come here for the Eris thing… it just… worked out this way."

    He followed him out, really… really wanting to warn him, and ask Eris for a favor. There was no time.


    •npc• "… you are earlier than we were expecting you Mr Salvatierra."

    Brow cocked slightly. So that’s how it was.  No courtesies.  No questions.  No…


    He turned slightly while the Spaniard was suavely chastising the driver, lips rather intimately close to the polished pilot’s ear as he took quick advantage of the distraction and sold it as a playful thanks for a good flight.


    [bodhan]…nobody has a balance of power with me on it…  let me or Gabe know if anyone seems, unusually interested in my incredibly handsome ass....[/bodhan]


    Humor was quick, but the weight of his words were set into her deep coffee ones.  She was smart, hopefully smart enough to get it.  He highly doubted Gabe had sat there in the plane and said nothing the entire trip. He’d said things in her presence he was most certain Gabe should not have.  Either Eris was an ally, or they were giving her fodder to be one hell of a turncoat.


    In any event, he slid into the car, silently cursing the forever present darkness of tinted glass.

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