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  • One Week Later

    Guest Lucrezia Esperanti

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    Guest Lucrezia Esperanti

    One Week Later (JUL 14)


    0700 AM




    Lucy watched the former Overseer sleep peacefully in her bed, proud of herself a little at how well her newest spell worked. The apartment was flawless and the Overseer was beginning to adapt it seemed to the new physical and mental changes. Soon Alistair Greene would be dead and buried. In his wake would instead this little Dresden Doll, a sweet bitch of a cook, for whom each of her whims shall be carried through.


    It was bliss.


    “Awaken my sweet.” Lucy whispered, laying a soft hand upon her cheek.


    Lucy had decided to dress quite immodestly for the occasion. Instead of something relaxed or ready for the summer heat, she came to his door camouflaged as a UPS guy and later maid. Once out of those skins, she entered the Overseer’s room dressed in nothing but a ladybug print pair of panties and bra, which were held lightly together by a black sheer negligee that fell to the middle of her thighs. “I came to check on you my sweet Dresden doll. I came and saw my present to you in complete disarray. Are you not pleased with my presents? They cost the Order quite a bit of money to gather it together for you. Not to mention the tofu you so callously toss to the dogs at the dumpster. Is there something I didn’t do well? Something you desire?”


    She was pouting. “I have good news then. I think it’s time we grew up your surroundings, changed things a bit. What do you say?” She was grinning now, relaxing herself at the foot of her bed, allowing her blonde hair to roll coquettishly over her shoulder like she was on, oh what was that show, Baywatch.


    “Plus, I wanted to try and see what cuisine you could make for me. I’m sure you’ve learned quite a new trick or recipe while I was away, handling your affairs, paying off your credit bills. Building your sanctuary. You know, the things I do for love.” She knew Jocelyn, that whore, probably spoke to her about what Lucy ‘could’ do, ‘would’ do. She saw her appear next to the Overseer and knew she was a threat.


    It was time to work around the threat of the legendary Centurion as well.


    What was that term the Americans like to use? Gaslight? Yes. Gaslight.


    That might be a perfect solution to this current predicament. Yes indeed.


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    The apartment was... not as bad as when Nora had been there. It had been a few days since that traumatizing event, but she'd made it out more or less intact - thanks no doubt only to the fact that Lucy had probably told Nora to go easy. After all, the blonder of the two crazy Italians no doubt saw her as 'her kill', so to speak. But she had cleaned up to some degree afterward, not even quite realizing she was doing it, before she made herself stop.

    The curse was REALLY getting to be a pain in the ass. Big time.

    Of course, mostly it was still the same, given that she didn't have the time or inclination to go buying new things (though there was a big new TV, even if she WAS going to watch girly movies, squinting at that little thing sucked). She was asleep in her room, wearing panties and a giant 'I LOVE PINK' T-shirt from V.S... which was black. She'd gotten it because it was stupid and ironic and she was feeling ascerbic at the time. Why the hell were there 'I love pink' garments in colors that had no pink whatsoever? It didn't make sense. Given that, at the moment, her whole life made no sense? She felt almost a kinship with the poor twisted garment. It was long enough for pajamas - that was to say, it was basically a short dress in T-shirt form. Which was comfy enough.

    When Lucy finally woke her, it was soft at first. [alistair]Mph... wha...?[/alistair] she mumbled, lifting her head a little bit, then she blinked sleep from her eyes, the picture resolving into... [alistair]ohholyfuck![/alistair] She shot up, scooting back against the headboard, eyes wide for a moment at the sight of someone in her bed. She didn't even recognize the woman at first... until she did. And dressed like THAT!? She stared for a moment, jaw open, but she shut it with a click when Lucy started speaking.

    She... looked good. Very good. Ali felt the color rising to her own cheeks - especially at the pout toward the end. Son of a BITCH where did the Vatican find magically talented sociopaths that looked like that? It wasn't even fair. [alistair]I.. dammit you know what I want, I want this spell undone... but since you're not giving me THAT, I thought I'd at least take some control over my damn furnishings. And...[/alistair]
    Alison actually lost her train of thought as Lucy did the Baywatch thing with her hair. Shit.

    [alistair]... Grew up?[/alistair] she said, managing not to stammer (or drool), before frowning at the rest. [alistair]Hey, you're the one who banished my credit cards and everything, or I'd have bought my own clothes...[/alistair] She couldn't even get anything from the bank via signature because her handwriting had started changing from the start. By this point, it took a serious effort of will not to dot all her 'i's with little hearts.

    [alistair]And... hey don't talk to me about tofu. Come on, you're Italian, they have way better food there... like, even if you are messing with me, I'd think tofu would be as bad for you as for me, sheesh.[/alistair] She paused, swallowing once. Okay, that last sentence didn't sound terribly Dresden...

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    Guest Lucrezia Esperanti

    Lucy frowned and scooted over to her, even if she was staring at her like a stroke victim. “Does this form not please you my dear?” She smiled and placed a hand over her own chest, causing it to grow just a tad. “I can always change it to something more of your liking.” In that moment, her eyes became something similar to Rorye’s, intense and powerful, before switching back to Lucy’s. “Or maybe we can get you used to this form.” She noted, shrugging off a strap and giving Ali a look.


    Oh this was going splendidly wasn’t it? She was a little upset that Nora got to have all the fun with Alistair last time, but this was surely going to make up for it.


    Quickly, she slipped her fingers over the strap and slowly raised it up again. “I can see that look. That look of desire. I wouldn’t fight it. Fighting it only feeds it, makes it stronger. Think of it as, what do you Americans say, blue balls that just never go away. But for your mind instead.” Her voice softened, and a different language escaped from her lips, one Alison should be able to understand if the spell worked. “So I suggest you relax with that gaze. I happen to like your gaze but most wouldn’t. Maybe. I doubt it.” She went for her cheek again. “You came out exquisite my doll. A perfect creation.”


    She ignored her complaints though and shrugged. “So, I don’t know why you complain. You don’t like my presents that I worked tirelessly over to make perfect for you? All that work and spells to make this place magical for you? I made it to your likings and what colors would look best where. I even studied Feng Shui. Or, is this what Jocelyn said? Peh. She was always a jealous one.”  


    There was then a pause. “So don’t fret too much about that. Plus, what does me being Italian have anything to do with my food choices? The Thai did it first and made noodles before my people knew they existed. It is what it is. They can coexist.”


    Slowly, and painfully, she left the bed and began touching the walls. “I do think it’s time to change some things. What would you most desire? Whips? Chains? Ooo.” She made a square with her fingers. “How about a swing? Maybe silk everywhere in order for you to enjoy the full exploits of this facility?”

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    Oh, Lucy was a bitch.

    She knew how to play it off, too... Ali watched as she made some enhancements to her own body this time. The eyes, too, caused her to draw in a breath just slightly. Shit her heart was pounding... The term 'lady wood' had always been sort of an abstract idea. Now? Nope. Not so much. Son of a bitch, this was why Kelly was so distracted a few weeks ago... [alistair]Don't think it's a problem of getting used to it...[/alistair] she muttered, the admission sort of sneaking out before she realized how bad it sounded. Or, rather, for Lucy, how good.

    No. She did not want to slip up. Never bang crazy. That was the rule, right!? Remember that rule. He'd already made THAT mistake once, god, never again, not even as a woman.

    She blinked a moment then as Lucy started explaining about the spell - well yeah, she'd noticed part of that, for fuck's sake. But there was something she... Wait. That was Italian. Why did she understand that? Even worse, when she opened her mouth to reply, the words that came out were in Italian as well. [alistair]What do you mean most wouldn't?[/alistair] she said. That was sort of the 'one of these is not like the other' part of what Lucy was saying, and despite everything else, she was curious. It was... hard not to be. Lucy was intensely distracting, and the bitch knew it, too.

    Not enough to make her not realize what she was speaking, though. Her hand flew up to her mouth. [alistair]What the?[/alistair] When that came out in Italian too, her eyes widened slightly. She still thought in English, but the words... [alistair]Oh, dammit...[/alistair] she muttered, shooting a dark look at Lucy. No sense asking what had happened - obviously Lucy preferred to converse in her own language and had the means to make it happen.

    [alistair]Jocelyn has nothing to do with it. I had my apartment how I liked it before, you know, feng shui or no feng shui.[/alistair] she said, shaking her head a little. [alistair]And... I don't know... just... not a fan of Tofu, leave me alone.[/alistair] She watched for a second as Lucy left the bed, then she looked away, climbing off the bed herself and trying in what was likely vain to cool off.

    [alistair]I don't even... nevermind. I'm sure you know already what you're going to do...[/alistair] she said, kicking at a pair of shorts that was lying on the floor.


    Apparently it was her turn to pout.

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    Guest Lucrezia Esperanti

    Lucy smiled at her protests, perfectly content to still wander the room as she moaned and complained. Soon those whines will be turned to thanks. The moaning, well, that was up to her to decide where that would come from.


    She looked at the place and shrugged. “Y’know. I’m fine without the chains. How about this?” She asked, snapping her fingers in the air.


    The room changed drastically. It was now a contrast of orange and beige with lots of silk draperies floating above on the ceiling. The bed was lined with Kashmir and silk, along with the many pillows.


    The bed itself was made like a princess one, pink sheer fabric included. In all honesty, it looks like the stereotype of the Sultanate’s concubine chamber. “Hmmm. Do you like that tongue by the way. I think I’m going to keep it on you. Let you feel how nice the latin tongue is, especially when it comes to courting others into your bed.” She was giggling now.


    “Oh, why so sad?” She asked, noticing the girl from over her shoulder.


    Quickly, she scampered to her. “You’ll grow to love these changes my darling Galatea. Soon, you will have lovers and all the healthy foods you can desire. The world will be yours to explore, and never again will you need to worry for this war. Instead, your life under me will be bliss. Is that so hard to take? Why do you fret when all I desire is to help?” It was time for her to pout too. In the meantime, she made her own hips a tad wider, while also shrinking her waist a smidgen. “Is there something that this form can do to help? Ease that tension?”


    Soon, the blond hair had become raven and the body became a bit more curved and strong. Her eyes had become fiercer in the process, returning to the look from before. “Or, how about a new body? I do see how much you want this one. Maybe it can help you. Ease the pain that’s forming within you and make you whole again. I know I’d like that.” Her voice began to change too, though still speaking Italian.


    It didn’t take much past the fifth word to sound unmistakably like Rorye.

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    Ali was relieved to hear that the bondage stuff wouldn't be appearing... except for some small traitorous portion of her mind, but she shoved that one away with some force, eyes widening a bit instead as the room shifted. Christ but this lady was good with a glamour... it was going to be several kinds of issue doing something about any of this, wasn't it?

    The room did look like something out of Arabian Nights... it was actually an improvement in a lot of ways. At least she didn't feel like a twelve year old in a woman's body anymore when she stood in it, but...

    Oh god. That was a bad sign, wasn't it? Anything Lucy did being an improvement?

    [alistair]I've nothing against your language, but I think like a lot of things right now I miss mine.[/alistair] she said, shaking her head a little bit. The problem of course was still yet to come when Lucy rushed over to her side. She blinked a moment, turning and looking to her, eyes widening when she saw what was starting to happen. [alistair]Wait... Galat... Pygmalion?[/alistair] she said finally, almost accusingly. Lucy HAD mentioned that at the start, hadn't she!? Oh God that was twisted...

    [alistair]I prefer to make my own...[/alistair] she started to shoot back, when... Lucy started turning into Rorye. Her eyes widened just a little further, then she shook her head once hard, stepping back. [alistair]No, you're not. Just... Don't do that, please, change back.[/alistair] she blurted out. It stung to ask Lucy for anything, but god dammit, she felt bad enough. The woman standing in Rorye's shape, using her voice? That was worse still... If she slipped, better almost anything than that creeped out betrayal.

    She looked down at the ground after that, just trying to keep herself steady. She could be closer to cracking than she knew by this point. She didn't want some false version of Rorye playing this game with her. Bad enough as it was. Maybe if she gave her something... [alistair]The room is better... I like it very much.[/alistair]

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    Guest Lucrezia Esperanti

    She was squirming.


    The image brought sheer amusement to her eyes as she stepped to her. “Do you? That’s lovely.” She remarked, allowing the sheer to disappear as she came only feet from her. “You do like me better then.” She put up a light giggle before resting a hand on her cheek. “Maybe, I can improve things for you.”


    From there she snapped her fingers again and Alison’s clothing changed to something a bit more lace-covered and in two pieces. “How about that? Do you enjoy that more?”


    From there, she stepped back and studied her. “Hmm. Maybe we can make this caveat. You can speak English, but your accent shall be thick. It may be easier for you then to attract the one you seek so much and bring her to us.” Lucy was grinning.


    “How about, hmm. I feel like your desire to eat healthy though, it isn’t there yet. Let me think.” She snapped her fingers again. “Maybe that will ease your tongue? I do appreciate your snark but don’t think twice that I cannot just remove that, so I wouldn’t try playing with your comments as I work. Does this work for you?” She asked, tilting her head at Alison. “Hmm. Can you think of anything else?”


    She squirmed her lip and began to tap her lip with her finger, subsequently also tapping her foot. “Hmmmm. Decisions.”

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    Apparently that was not enough to make her change herself back. It was worth a try, probably... though the comment she made was sort of a twist of the knife. Not what she'd said at all, but hey, should have seen that one coming. That was her own damn fault.

    The vanishing of the sheer fabric didn't change a whole lot... not like it was covering anything anyway. Gah. Even so, that hand on her cheek continued to feel good in a really unfair way, and she couldn't help but lean her cheek into it, just a little. Fighting clearly wasn't getting her anywhere really... this was a load of bullshit, and increasingly so. Then came the finger snaps. There was suddenly a lot more breeze in the room, and she looked down, startled. The black lace bra and panties didn't cover much, and she didn't have any sort of coverup - she did however have lace stockings that came up to about midthigh, intricate and very, very see-through.

    Before she had much chance to say anything about that, there was another faint prickle of magic. [alistair]What accent you mea-[/alistair] she started, then put a hand over her mouth again, swallowing. When she spoke again it was just in Italian. She'd spoken in broken English, barely getting the words out... Great.

    And no, she still wasn't worn down to the point of eating tofu and kale. Though she had found herself worrying more and more about processed foods, and the milk and such she bought was organic... that was getting to be worrying. The next snap though, nothing seemed to happen. [alistair]Yes, that will be fine thank yo-[/alistair] She was midway through before she realized what was going on, and she blinked again. [alistair]Oh you are awful...[/alistair] she muttered almost silently.

    When Lucy asked if there was anything else, she crossed her arms - blushing dark red - and was silent. Clearly that was a 'no'.

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    Guest Lucrezia Esperanti

    She frowned at the insult and placed her other hand on Alison’s cheek. “You’re being cruel.” She frowned, stroking her cheeks. “I go through all the pain and even make myself into a body you can enjoy and you call me awful.” She looked around. “Maybe I should give you another gift.


    She released the second hand and snapped.


    At Alison’s feet was now a pair of heels that calling fuck-me pumps would be generous. They were long, thin and stiff and a grin was on Lucy’s face.


    She stepped back and opened her arms. “Walk and enjoy this gift as well. You now have the capabilities to run and walk in heels. Consider this a gift from me to you.” She began to slowly sit down on the bed and watched Alison for another moment. “Now my dear Galatea, I want you to enjoy them. Enjoy those clothing pieces. Find this face. Enjoy yourself my dear, for though I seek you, I wont need to find you so soon. Take this as that gift as well.”


    She got up again and shook her hips for a second, as if she were the Genie from that 50s television show. “Goodbye Alison Phale. Hope you're hungry.”


    With that, she snapped her fingers three times and the power flickered loudly, hiding the fact that she had disappeared from plain sight.

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    [alistair]I'M being cruel!?[/alistair] Ali exclaimed, disbelieving - though of course she'd do something like that. It was a relief by this point when Lucy let go of her and stepped back - until the heels attached themselves. She windmilled a moment from the sudden change in posture, trying to keep standing, and found an equilibirum a moment later... probably too easily. Lucy's next bit of exposition explained why, and she gave the Inquisitor an exasperated look for a second or two.

    Of course she played up the rest of the act before she disappeared. Dammit... She wanted so badly to kiss- NO. Punch. She wanted to PUNCH her. God this was getting to be a pain. She reached up, rubbing her temples - and trying to ignore the fact that her thoughts were starting to be more in Italian than in English - as she realized she WAS hungry. Which probably wasn't any fault of Lucy's. She had just gotten up, and she hadn't eaten a lot before bed the previous night.

    She turned, nervous on the heels, and sat down, reaching to pull them off... but they wouldn't come off. They didn't SEEM tight when she stood on them, but they somehow wouldn't come off, no matter what she did. The outfit, too, seemed glued in place. Fantastic. Letting out a frustrated but largely nonverbal sound she stood up, walking toward the kitchen. Her walk, she realized about halfway there, was far too much like a strut... nothing she did would cancel it - it wasn't just the shoes, though they did mandate a bit different movement. She just couldn't seem to help, well... playing it up somewhat.

    Yet another horrifying discovery for the day. She tried to ignore it, opening the fridge up... the tofu was re-stocked of course, and... god there were so many things she could do with all this. Before she even realized what was going on, she had a few cutting boards out, pans on the stove.. she was slicing kale, then stepping over to knead a dough...

    Oh, hell. She liked food... no sense fighting THIS part, though it almost felt like someone else was doing it all.

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    Guest Lucrezia Esperanti

    ”What smells delicious?” A familiar, soft voice asked before wrapping her arms around Ali’s throat. ”Oh kale, my favorite. You shouldn’t have!”


    Lucy, now looking like her blonde self again, was grinning from ear to ear at the sight of the food. It looked like breakfast was going to be better than expected.


    ”Thank you dear. I hope you don't mind me staying for breakfast.” She muttered quickly before kissing Ali on the cheek and scampering to a counter in order to sit atop it.


    ”I’m glad you’ve decided to eat healthier. All that red meat. It’ll ruin your complexion, not to mention your cholesterol.” She shook her head. ”We can’t have that now, can we? Colon cancer is a serious risk and studies show that red meat is one of the leading causes. Know what helps though? Kale.” She was swinging her legs now under a long, and somewhat flowy checker-pattern dress.


    After that little statement, she studied the place for a moment, happy it was cleaner than how Nora had found it, but still, some things did need some change. ”How about I be fair to your desires for a moment.” She nodded to the TV, which had now turned to a ’42 inch HDTV. Sure, it was now outlined in pink and white, but it was still a 42’ flat screen. ”You have the food and lifetime channel packages. They’ve done quite well for themselves after the great event.” She then looked at some of the books and added some more about yoga, feminity and sexuality. ”Some light reading too.”


    With that, she turned back to Alison. ”Like?”

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    Alison let out what she didn't realize until too late was a very girly (if brief) shriek at the sudden voice and hug around her neck. She almost lost a hold of her knife, too, which could have been a very dangerous thing. She caught it just in time though, and hung her head a little bit as Lucy started going on. Alright, so there was where the health food thing kicked in. She wasn't sure how an italian ended up like that, but perhaps she'd been watching too many American TV shows growing up.

    [alistair]No. I probably shouldn't have... And of course not, make yourself at home.[/alistair] she said, sarcasm dripping from her tone. it was about the only response she had at this point. She stuck to speaking in Italian as Lucy did. English was an absolute chore anymore, and she wasn't sure it was going to get any better.

    [alistair]You know perfectly well why I decided that.[/alistair] she murmured, pressing the pie crust into an oiled pan and pouring the quiche mixture into it, still not knowing where she learned half this mess. The kale was apparently going to be in a side dish somewhere, so she kept on preparing things while Lucy spoke - and then made a few updates. Well...

    [alistair]Actually... yes.[/alistair] she said at the end, slightly surprised at that. The books she could take or leave but the TV had been a serious irritation. So. That was a step up, she supposed. The quiche went in the oven, and she went to the stove, blanching the kale and working on a Hollandaise sauce. Alistair had actually known how to make one of those, more or less - but certainly not this well or from memory.

    [alistair]Not that I'm certain it's a great idea to do all this cooking in heels.[/alistair] she said then. There was a lot of swearing she wanted to do. But she was pretty sure that would get Lucy doing more of her 'tweaks', and she just wasn't sure how many more of those she could take at the moment. [alistair]And that will take some time to cook. You are a little early.[/alistair]

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    Guest Lucrezia Esperanti

    With that, Lucy bounced off the counter. ”Kay. You’re missing an apron though.” She pointed out with a snap of her fingers.


    Viola! There was now a frilly pink apron on Alison’s body. ”How do you like it?” She asked, twirling on her heels. Of course she was ignoring the snark. It was only a minor inconvenience for the moment, and like most other quirks of past-Alistair, it would be gone in due time. Might as well allow the former Overseer to enjoy it for now. 


    ”Am I?” She replied to Alison, smirking to herself. ”I thought I was right on time.” She snapped her fingers again. ”I’d look down. You’ll need to memorize it for the new job that I just got lined up for you. It’s a fairly nice gig, and you can expect a bit of money from it if I should say so myself.” A soft giggle came from her lips at that note, giving levity to the moment before she took a seat at the pink and green table next to the kitchen.


    ”I do hope you enjoy it. I’m sure your dear Rorye might. Not to mention Jocelyn and others. I actually think they’ll become fond of this new appearance once they get a good look at what you do now.”

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    [alistair]Oh is THAT all I'm missing?[/alistair] she shot back - there was a lot besides the apron missing, she was pretty sure. Of course, a moment later the apron WASN'T missing, and she yelped just slightly, looking down as she did.

    The pink apron was now practically all she was wearing. There were the heels still, sure, and the translucent stockings that were right out of a lingerie catalog, but there didn't seem to be any top at all - just a frilly apron rather precariously covering her chest. [alistair]I'm pretty sure this violates a rather large number of health codes.[/alistair] she replied. It was the only thing she could think of to say at the moment, while she went back to stir the sauce. If she was going to be making things, she wasn't going to screw them up. That at least Alistair could agree on.

    Though with the next part, she let out a breath and looked to Lucy again. [alistair]No. Look, you've done plenty, but you know what I still have? The ability to say nope, not going out on whatever... sluttily dressed escapade you have lined up. I'll just stay home if I have to, even if I do end up doing yoga half the time.[/alistair]

    She scowled at nothing in particular. Perhaps this wasn't the BEST time to put a foot down, but she was doing it anyway. [alistair]So maybe I'm cooking you breakfast, but I'm hungry anyway, don't read too much into it.[/alistair]

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    • 1 month later...
    Guest Lucrezia Esperanti

    “Yes!” Lucy replied with a grin. “That’s exactly it.”


    She then gave a flail of her hand. “What are some health codes though in the face of fun?” With defiance, she then snapped her fingers as Alison continued trying to do her best to exercise free will. Which Lucy had to admit was a bit cute when all was said and done.


    “Good, but during all of that, you forgot a key thing. I’m in charge and I can do what I can as I will.” She got up and snapped her fingers again, aiming at Alison’s legs. She watched as they lengthened into a more wispy and arabesque shape, removing some of the curves from the previous smaller form. Now the body that Ali was in had a much more refined ‘model’s frame’ if that could be a turn. Not really Kate Upton, but more of the swan-like features of a catalogue queen.


    “I can change whatever I can desire, when I desire because where this matters, I rule.” Her smile became wicked as the walls became a shade of violent red and white, almost looking like corrupted files on a computer straight out of a 4chan copypasta. Her eyes glimmered in the fire of the room that became much more horror movie as the seconds ticked by, with white and black distorting around them before suddenly returning to normal. “I can twist gravity and make you forget you’re still breathing. Do not doubt my kindness as allowing you free will my sweet. As far as I care, you follow my commands, no matter how dredged up they may be. I can change you as much as I feel compelled to for whenever I feel bored. So yes, you are making me breakfast and I am reading into it because that’s what I want you to do. Because remember, I’m at least giving you the privilege to be human.”


    There was a momentary flicker of a cattail and not at the small of Ali’s back, disappearing as soon as it was there.


    “Once again, do not doubt my power Greene, for I can always do worse. So. Go. Continue making my meal, please?” She smiled sweetly this time, close enough to wrap her arms around the now fairly tall Alison. 

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    When Lucy first started in about things being under her control, Ali was readying a few shots back when her body started changing again. The return of height was nice at least... the rest was disorienting as hell. She stumbled just slightly, looking back down at herself. The outfit had changed too... black lace and sheer stockings... very Victoria's Secret, which was probably the stupid point.

    The 'failing graphics card' effect on the walls was also more than a little creepy. But, she had to remind herself... there was a reason for the calculated risk in pissing her off. Ali hadn't had nearly the time she wanted to study Lucy's power in action. The dull field that lingered and sustained the magic was too faint to learn much from, but this? She committed the rest to memory. It ought to help when the time came to put her on her ass. Of course, for now, she had to endure all this... and hope she kept enough faculties to take advantage when the opportunity came.

    Of course, constitutionally irreverant as the Greene always had been,  it paid to know where the limits were. This was probably about the right time to stop and play the good little pet for a while.

    [alistair]O...of course. But there's really nothing to do until it's finished baking...[/alistair] She slipped carefully away after that, walking back over to the oven to check. There was at least another fifteen minutes, and that was going to turn very quickly into an awkward silence, wasn't it?


    She made sure the bread was going then, and something struck her - so she started getting out some plates and putting them out, just looking for a way to avoid poking the dragon again. She'd probably used up the defiance quotient for the day... it didn't mean she was beaten.

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