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    Dec 29, 2022 -YES - ITS BEEN A WHILE

    The State of the World

    Public Health

    Hospitals and emergency services have largely recovered due to necessity where cities have thrived, and are in fact improved in some ways thanks to mages and empowered humans with healing powers - who are very highly sought after and typically well paid by large facilities. True surgeons are also well compensated as there are not many in the world and it will take a few decades to get young ones trained. There has been an understandable shift away from preventative measures and things like anti-smoking campaigns. When magic can heal most basic ailments and monster attacks can kill you outright on the street, long-term ailments like lung cancer begin to seem of lower importance.



    Due to the loss of the vast majority of America's heartland, the food industry in the Americas took an enormous hit. In the early days after the Event, food became incredibly hard to come by - people were starving and killing for what little food they could find.  But 10 years is a long time for lands to heal and people to become innovative. Now much of the suburban areas surrounding major cities have been converted into farmland and hydroponics has grown exponentially, allowing for food to be grown in the major metropolises. Many of the more heavily damaged and abandoned skyscrapers in New York for example have been converted into massive 'Garden Towers', filled with hydroponics and artificial lighting rather than trying to make them inhabitable once more. Cattle ranches have also established themselves again, though this is a far more dangerous field than it once was as it requires people to live outside the cities in more lawless territories. 



    This is one of the major problems to this day - there is enough to run most vehicles thank to quick action that saved many refineries in oil fields, but gas is far more expensive now than ever before, and as such cars have become less frequent - adding to the reduction in crowding on roads and contributing to the reversal of years of exodus from the cities to the suburbs as fewer people choose to commute.


    Consumer products, electronics, etc:

    With the total collapse of the global economy, consumer products as people knew it from before the Nevus are still not fully recovered. Only in the last year have companies gotten enough capital to start the deep research to figure out how to stabilize the electronics/computing industry in a world where magic plays havoc on them. It is a race now to see which company will succeed first as they are guaranteed a huge payoff for their efforts. Repair of old devices has become a booming and lucrative business in the meantime.


    With import and export of goods diminished due to the reduced routes of mass shipping, recycling has become a big business. The old is made new... literally.. as recycled materials become the material necessary for the manufacturing that has rebuilt to use as metal, fibers, plastics and rubber. In a way, the Resonance has forced the world to clean itself up. 



    In an age where even private citizens could stock arsenals and have enough ammunition to last years, there was little shortage of weapons and ammunition in some countries in the early days. But the years after the Resonance, with no new manufacturing occurring, the ability to find ammunition got scarce. Several large companies have made this a priority and now the recycling businesses also support the weapons manufacturing. Unusual calibers are still hard to come by and backorder is a huge problem as they have yet to get back to manufacturing at even half the pre-Resonance levels, but at least this commodity is again finding a balance in the market.  Development of advanced weapons was at a standstill for much of the first ten years, but now, as the world gets better at understanding how magic affects technology, companies have again begun to research and develop. Nothing significant has emerged yet, but it is only a matter of time. 



    With the collapse of the major credit centers and the rest of the economy, 'plastic' became obsolete as did any record of people's original debts. The economy resorted to cold hard cash, something that most countries were able to begin printing fairly soon after the Resonance.  The use of cash is considered safer, with the advent of technopaths and other dangerous criminal elements. In the last two years some companies have tried to reintroduce the idea of banking but it is slow to take off thus far.



    Schools and colleges are partially back up and running in some of the nation-states that have formed after the Event. Students are prohibited from the use of any powers they might have gained, and each school employs a handful of empowered individuals as security in case anything happens. Because powers rarely manifest until several years after puberty, magic and other powers in schools are not often a major issue. Of greater concern is powered individuals attacking schools, as such they are often tightly secured.



    While the major airlines collapsed, the private sector airlines have begun to thrive in the world. Flights are not easy to get, and they are considerably more dangerous given the presence of flying monsters in the unsecured zones that exist between nations. Of the flight corridors however, the New York-Los Angeles,  New York-Paris, Paris-Rome, New York-Rome and New York-Madrid flights are considered to be the safest, as these are regularly patrolled by various by fighter aircraft as part of a rare security treaty in order to keep some manner of commerce going to support their mutual economies. Private flights up and down the Eastern Coast of the former US are safe enough, though most travel within nations is accomplished by train or car, as most highways and railways are cleared by this point. Trains have actually grown more in the last 5 years than in the decade preceding the Resonance. Mag-lev trains have been popping up in countries that before were never even exploring the option.


    Travel by sea is beginning to make a comeback as well, massive cruise ships have been refurbished to replace the overseas flights as the new transportation. The trips are expensive and still dangerous as ocean-dwelling monsters have proven a threat, but in the last two years there have been no incidents on these vessels thanks to the use of military grade sonar to help plan the path.


    Wild and Anarchic Lands

    These areas have been loosely defined over the years as chaotic or semi-lawful regions governed by warlords. This still isn't far from the truth. Some areas are still very wild and will not be populated for some time, but people still have to get from point A to point B. Coast to coast travel by automobile or train is essential and thus a few lines are well fortified to ensure the safety of their passengers and cargo. Thus outposts exist through these lands. Lonely garrisons policed by border guard patrol or other military factions working to ensure that commerce continues in our world. While traveling through the wild lands one can always count on coming across some kind of outpost if they follow a major highway or active railway. One can compare these places to the West, back in the day when the frontier was first being colonized. The wild lands are brutal and deadly. Traveling through these lands, even while in the security of an armored train or military protected convoy can still be nerve racking. One never knows what may lurk around the bend.


    Internet and Communications

    Satellites were destroyed. There was no stopping it as the Resonance ravaged the world. With a return to space still years off, joint operations have ensured that at least the ones that remain are used for communications and kept in working order. GPS systems thanks to their simplicity are still in place, though large areas of the world are "off grid" because of the missing satellites.  Of course, updated maps for various catastrophes are much harder to get, and surveyors willing to risk unsecured zones to map the changes the world has undergone are rare but well paid.


    The Internet, despite being almost fatally crippled, has regained a measure of its former glory. Vast international sites like Amazon are gone forever, killed along with a majority of their distribution centers, but purely information-driven services like Netflix and Google are back to at least marginal capacity thanks to distributed backups. Bandwidth however is not at all what it once was. Each nation manages its own internal Web, with gateways provided to other areas as they become available. Recent advances and several companies manufacturing fiber optic cable once more have brought promise that there might be leaps forward made in the next few years. 



    While the relative stability of the Americas has seen some rebuilding of Hollywood, new TV shows and movies are still a rare thing. Vast libraries of old content do of course remain, and a concerted effort is being made to release movies on a regular basis. Broadcast news, especially over the radio, has changed little, aside from the topics. Now that many regions are at least enjoying a semblance of stability however, it is expected that the entertainment sector will continue to rebound in an accelerated fashion.

    Edited by Zeph

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