Stone Ward is an intimidating man. A world class sailor, mountaineer, explorer, his accolades go on and on. While his cousin Christopher was traveling the world with his father, Stone was cutting his own path in life and taking down anyone and anything that stood in his way.
Handsome with sharp angular features, piercing grey eyes, sandy blonde hair and tanned skin he is a stark contrast to his cousin Christopher and yet they are also cut from the same mould. Well groomed, his attire varies with the occasion, but is always stylish. He takes great care in his appearance.
He comes across as being arrogant but in the man’s defence he isn’t often wrong and is very direct. Stone cannot stand when people beat-around-the-bush, “If you’ve got something to say, spit it out or shut up.” Extremely charismatic, people are drawn to Stone, he seems to exude the qualities of a celebrity in combination with the wisdom of a natural born leader. A genius, there aren’t many people, unfortunately that Stone get’s along with, there are really only two, his sister and his cousin Christopher. The two men are ever butting heads and act like bitter rivals but deep down Stone respects his cousin like no other. He has never doubted that he should be the CEO of the company and is content with his position in the foundation.
When Stone isn’t directing he’s in and on the water. Not only is he a world class sailor but he’s also an amazing swimmer. In his youth he had actually qualified for the Olympics but due to circumstances beyond his control had to decline the privilege; an ever persistent regret in his life.
A health nut, Stone watches everything he consumes, does yoga and keeps his body in tip top shape. His office reflects this healthy and adventurous lifestyle, mementos from his triumphs on display throughout.
It was during the Shift that he turned, one of the lucky ones to be stricken with the original strain of the Lycnanthrope-Virus. Only his wife, sister and cousin know his secret for which he takes every precaution money can buy to conceal his affliction.
LYCANTHROPE - Werewolf. Transforms into a frosty grey wolf-man.
Educated at Dartmouth College, he received degrees in business and anthropological sciences. He was a top athlete, excelling in a variety of sports, playing as if he was chasing a ghost, but he didn’t stop there. Always having a passion for the sea, he started sailing at a young age and eventually captained his own vessel, claiming cup after cup around the world. He climbed Everest and has taken on other deadly peaks. He’s also been to both poles.
He is a world explorer; a survivalist. There are not many challenges he’ll back down from and has the skills to take on most.
LANGUAGES: Aside from English, he can speak/read French, German, Latin, and Irish Gaelic.
Stone always admired the relationship his cousin Christopher had with his father. His own had little to do with him. Married to his work, he provided little time for his children and their mother being an alcoholic, Stone and his sister learned to look after each other. Fortunately his uncle often took Stone along with he and Christopher, inspiring him to travel and challenge nature.
When he was still young his father developed an illness that baffled doctors and would eventually take his life. Stone became the proverbial head of the household and embraced the responsibility.
Wife: Heather
Children: Mason - 12, Kyla - 9.
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