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    Dec 29, 2022 -YES - ITS BEEN A WHILE

    Chancellor Salvatore Avara






    His deep voice possesses a strong Italian accent, but even before he speaks one can detect his heritage. Ruggedly good looking, at 6'4" and a solid 225 lbs he is an imposing man. His hair is thick and black, penetrating pale green eyes push through crowds and his strong jaw is partially obscured by a trimmed beard.


    When working he prefers to wear the fine suits of his homeland. Like most of the Order he proudly sports it's emblem on his lapel and proudly wears their signet ring.




    Salvatore can best be described as indomitable. He is a man who has never known defeat, or has so rarely encountered it that he can't recall a single situation when he wasn't on top.


    Aggressive and imposing he usually get's what he wants when he wants it but when satisfied can be quite gracious to those who have assisted in elevating him to his current standing. Those who cross him, however, should be sure to never turn their back.


    Charismatic and a natural leader he has been a prominent figure in the Order since the Resonance but the stories of his exploits are not widely known, especially in North America.


    He uses his intellect first, ALWAYS concocting a plan before striking. He is a tactician, but does struggle with a hot temper, which he realizes can be exploited.




    He carries the usual paraphernalia one might find rummaging through their pockets, but he does possess a few magical relics on his person. One of them is a ring, a very rare ring that enhances his skills when it comes to arming or disarming magical wards. When this is combined yet with the magic of Kosta De Serbo there are very few magically sealed portals that they cannot open.






    LOW LEVEL - Unlimited Castings





    The caster's body, clothes and possessions become sand. It is a willed instantaneous transformation that lasts for half of an hour but instantly dispelled and required to be recast once the caster becomes flesh. Body Weight: 400 lbs. Casting spells is limited in this form.


    In this form the magus is a 'sand-man'. Very fragile but able to break apart and sift through small openings, moving as a vibrating mass at speed no greater than a quick walking pace. Water impedes progress but does not break the structure apart. In this form the caster is basically sand, able to blend into sand and cannot be destroyed but can easily enough be smashed to nothing repeatedly. It is not a form with a strong offence and in this form the caster cannot manipulate even the smallest of objects with his fragile fingers.


    If this sand body is scattered by wind or water it can take up to twenty four hours for the caster to fully reform and not every particle need to be reassembled. It merely takes extra time for the magus' body to reconstitute without access to his 'full form'.




    In deserts and sandy-scapes the caster is able to 'shift sands' beneath his feet and move as if on a conveyor belt. He can reach speeds of up to seventy kilometres per hour and manipulate sand to form bridges up to fifty feet in length, lasting only seconds before they crumble. He can travel like this for an hour before the spell has to be 'recharged'. This spell can be used even when the caster is in an 'elemental form'.




    Anything comprised of a mineral (stone or iron) can be displaced. Up to one hundred square feet can be crudely reformed to produce such things as a tunnel or reshaped into a bridge or tower. He must touch the object to be effected and maintain contact. Ten square feet per minute can be reformed so the a full one hundred square feet will take ten minutes. The manipulation is permanent. Alloys take twice as long.



    This spell instantly transforms sand and stone into glass and allows the manipulation of it's shape. Incredibly complex forms can be produced so long as the caster has all the angles and in's and out's of the object committed to memory. Depending upon the detail of the constructs they can be produced in seconds or they may take hours. A shard of glass is nearly instantaneous and he could produce hundreds of razor sharp glass shards of varying sizes in moments, either fixed to the ground or from a ceiling to fall as a deadly crystal rain. Glass shards can also be forced to spring from the ground with deadly force. Shards can be shot as far as fifty feet, maximum force dwindles after twenty five.


    Range: 75 feet. Area of Effect: 125 square feet.




    Within a ten foot radius of himself, all minerals consisting of multiple targets (maximum 2 cubic feet each) he targets can be turned to dust. This naturally makes it nearly impossible for him to be harmed by any sort of physical projectiles.



    MID LEVEL - 12 castings




    The caster's body, clothes and possessions become stone. It is a willed instantaneous transformation that lasts for half of an hour but is instantly dispelled and required to be recast if the caster prematurely becomes flesh.


    Body Weight: 600 lbs. Casting spells is limited in this form.


    In this form the magus looks like a stone statue. He can move, but quite slow. All his senses work normally despite the fact they're made of rock with the exception of taste and his sense of touch is dulled. He also feels no pain and does not need air. In this form he can press as much as 3000 lbs above his head.


    In this form he can still cast spells.


    If completely destroyed, the remains simply absorb into whatever minerals are around and will eventually reassemble. This can take up to 48 hours. He cannot be destroyed in this form.




    Any surface comprised of mineral, be it stone or metal can be transformed into quicksand. The maximum area of effect is seventy five square feet, but he is also able to conjure up to ten smaller areas (up to a twenty foot radius) and cast them simultaneously in different directions up to one hundred feet away. The transformation is instantaneous and the victim will immediately sink into the floor to their waist. So long as the person does not struggle they can stay afloat for close to half of an hour.


    The magus is able to control the density of the quicksand and also reform it back to it's original state at will.



    The magus can transform any any metal into a form of stone or sand but not the other way around. He can change an iron door into sand with a touch of his hand. The maximum amount of metal that can be changed is ten cubic feet. It cannot be changed back.




    The magus is able to pass through any one mineral. The spell lasts for half an hour and the speed at which they can move is 5 inches per minute, thus it takes approximately two minutes to pass through a 1 inch thick steel door.




    The magus can generate explosions from under ground. Rock and earth is spewed upward with crippling force from one foot diameter area. People wary of the explosive spell will be able to take note of the underground glow and tell-tale rumbling seconds before the explosion. The blast range of each eruption is ten feet allowing able bodies to jump out of the way unscathed. The explosions leave a three foot diameter, two foot deep crater.


    One casting allows the magus to generate up to five explosions. Range: 75 feet. Duration: 5 minutes. The magus can set the explosions off one at a time are place five in different locations at the same time. The explosions CANNOT over lap to create a more forceful blast.


    The magus also has the option to make the explosions dormant so that they have to be stepped on to trigger them (like a land mine). The only tell-tale sign of these hidden explosive would be their magical aura or if one were observant enough notice that there is a very faint magical symbol about the size of a quarter over the mine. The explosions cannot be cast on a vertical surface. The 'mines' will last for twenty four hours.



    HIGHT LEVEL - 2 castings





    LOW LEVEL - Unlimited Castings





    The caster's body, clothes and possessions become sand. It is a willed instantaneous transformation that lasts for half of an hour but instantly dispelled and required to be recast once the caster becomes flesh. Body Weight: 400 lbs. Casting spells is limited in this form.


    In this form the magus is a 'sand-man'. Very fragile but able to break apart and sift through small openings, moving as a vibrating mass at speed no greater than a quick walking pace. Water impedes progress but does not break the structure apart. In this form the caster is basically sand, able to blend into sand and cannot be destroyed but can easily enough be smashed to nothing repeatedly. It is not a form with a strong offence and in this form the caster cannot manipulate even the smallest of objects with his fragile fingers.


    If this sand body is scattered by wind or water it can take up to twenty four hours for the caster to fully reform and not every particle need to be reassembled. It merely takes extra time for the magus' body to reconstitute without access to his 'full form'.




    In deserts and sandy-scapes the caster is able to 'shift sands' beneath his feet and move as if on a conveyor belt. He can reach speeds of up to seventy kilometres per hour and manipulate sand to form bridges up to fifty feet in length, lasting only seconds before they crumble. He can travel like this for an hour before the spell has to be 'recharged'. This spell can be used even when the caster is in an 'elemental form'.




    Anything comprised of a mineral (stone or iron) can be displaced. Up to one hundred square feet can be crudely reformed to produce such things as a tunnel or reshaped into a bridge or tower. He must touch the object to be effected and maintain contact. Ten square feet per minute can be reformed so the a full one hundred square feet will take ten minutes. The manipulation is permanent. Alloys take twice as long.




    This spell instantly transforms sand and stone into glass and allows the manipulation of it's shape. Incredibly complex forms can be produced so long as the caster has all the angles and in's and out's of the object committed to memory. Depending upon the detail of the constructs they can be produced in seconds or they may take hours. A shard of glass is nearly instantaneous and he could produce hundreds of razor sharp glass shards of varying sizes in moments, either fixed to the ground or from a ceiling to fall as a deadly crystal rain. Glass shards can also be forced to spring from the ground with deadly force. Shards can be shot as far as fifty feet, maximum force dwindles after twenty five.


    Range: 75 feet. Area of Effect: 125 square feet.




    Within a ten foot radius of himself, all minerals consisting of multiple targets (maximum 2 cubic feet each) he targets can be turned to dust. This naturally makes it nearly impossible for him to be harmed by any sort of physical projectiles.



    MID LEVEL - 12 castings





    The caster's body, clothes and possessions become stone. It is a willed instantaneous transformation that lasts for half of an hour but is instantly dispelled and required to be recast if the caster prematurely becomes flesh.


    Body Weight: 600 lbs. Casting spells is limited in this form.


    In this form the magus looks like a stone statue. He can move, but quite slow. All his senses work normally despite the fact they're made of rock with the exception of taste and his sense of touch is dulled. He also feels no pain and does not need air. In this form he can press as much as 3000 lbs above his head.


    In this form he can still cast spells.


    If completely destroyed, the remains simply absorb into whatever minerals are around and will eventually reassemble. This can take up to 48 hours. He cannot be destroyed in this form.




    Any surface comprised of mineral, be it stone or metal can be transformed into quicksand. The maximum area of effect is seventy five square feet, but he is also able to conjure up to ten smaller areas (up to a twenty foot radius) and cast them simultaneously in different directions up to one hundred feet away. The transformation is instantaneous and the victim will immediately sink into the floor to their waist. So long as the person does not struggle they can stay afloat for close to half of an hour.


    The magus is able to control the density of the quicksand and also reform it back to it's original state at will.




    The magus can transform any any metal into a form of stone or sand but not the other way around. He can change an iron door into sand with a touch of his hand. The maximum amount of metal that can be changed is ten cubic feet. It cannot be changed back.




    The magus is able to pass through any one mineral. The spell lasts for half an hour and the speed at which they can move is 5 inches per minute, thus it takes approximately two minutes to pass through a 1 inch thick steel door.




    The magus can generate explosions from under ground. Rock and earth is spewed upward with crippling force from one foot diameter area. People wary of the explosive spell will be able to take note of the underground glow and tell-tale rumbling seconds before the explosion. The blast range of each eruption is ten feet allowing able bodies to jump out of the way unscathed. The explosions leave a three foot diameter, two foot deep crater.


    One casting allows the magus to generate up to five explosions. Range: 75 feet. Duration: 5 minutes. The magus can set the explosions off one at a time are place five in different locations at the same time. The explosions CANNOT over lap to create a more forceful blast.


    The magus also has the option to make the explosions dormant so that they have to be stepped on to trigger them (like a land mine). The only tell-tale sign of these hidden explosive would be their magical aura or if one were observant enough notice that there is a very faint magical symbol about the size of a quarter over the mine. The explosions cannot be cast on a vertical surface. The 'mines' will last for twenty four hours.



    HIGH LEVEL - 2 castings





    Anything mineral (inorganic) can be reduced to loose sand with a touch. The spell effects up to twenty cubic feet. The effects are permanent and cannot be reversed.




    The magus chooses their target and stamps their foot into the earth. A crack radiates from it at incredible speed racing toward the chosen site where the earth will literally shatter. Within a one hundred foot radius of the impact zone a crater forms. The ground shakes and falls apart into a massive hole approximately sixty to eighty feet deep. Up to five hundred feet away, the ground quakes and smaller sink holes may appear depending upon the stability of the area.




    The caster's body, clothes and possessions become a form metal usually the strongest alloy possible. It is a willed instantaneous transformation that lasts for half of an hour but is instantly dispelled and required to be recast if the caster prematurely becomes flesh.


    Body Weight: 900 lbs. Casting spells is limited in this form.


    In this form the magus looks like a metal statue. He can move, but quite slow. All his senses work normally despite the fact they're made of rock with the exception of taste and his sense of touch is dulled. He also feels no pain and does not need air. He is able to press as much as 6000 lbs above his head.


    If completely destroyed, the remains simply absorb into whatever minerals are around and will eventually reassemble. This can take up to 48 hours. He cannot be destroyed in this form.



    LENGENDARY - 1 casting - 100% drain





    Within a range of three hundred feet the magus can generate a powerful explosion of earth and rock that will cover a one hundred foot radius and cause minor damages for up to another three hundred feet away. At the epicentre, debris flies from the ground, shooting up to one hundred feet into the air. The blast is not instantaneous, there are warning signs such as tremors and cracks giving all those in the area at the most five minutes to get to safety. It takes at least three minutes to cast this spell and there can be no distractions. After it is cast, the eruption takes five minutes to reach critical mass then explodes.




    Being from another time, Salvatore is knowledgeable with those skills associated with medieval times. He is extremely well read, knowledgeable in the classics and experienced in modern warfare through the military life of the man who was Salvatore Avara.


    As a soldier Salvatore is well trained in hand-to-hand combat and firearms. His otherworldly heritage endows him exceptional fighting skills with sword, dagger and fist thus even without magic he is a formidable adversary.


    Can speak Italian, English, Latin, Greek, Spanish and German.




    Who he was before the Resonance hardly compares to whom he became. Salvatore Avara was a colonel in the Italian army who was possessed and completely taken over by the spirit of what is rumoured to be one of the original members who created the ancient Order of First Light. It is because of this transformation that he would be considered a Metahuman. No one know's his true name, but there are some who believe he may be one of the infamous dark magus that had tried to bring down the the Order centuries ago.


    His power is rivalled by few and he uses it to ensure that the European vision of The First Light is not tainted by the 'free-thinking' magus of North America. Of course, after some time among them, Salvatore found himself enjoying his freedoms away from the thumb of Rome. Unable to adequately deal with the rebel faction known as ARMA the New York Chapter's position of Overseer was presented to . He became the second in charge, his title changing to Chancellor of Relations and Affairs.

    Edited by Zeph

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