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    Dec 29, 2022 -YES - ITS BEEN A WHILE

    Altered Humans


    This race CANNOT be immune to the super viruses which turns humans, humans with abilities, meta humans, and other Earth inhabitants into vampires, werewolves, and zombies.


    There are two types of Altered Humans; Empowered Humans and Metahumans



    EMPOWERED HUMANS (Humans with Abilities)

    On a similar plane with the Mages, yet utilizing different methods, are the EHs. Empowered Humans wield magic just as mages do, but in a different way. If mages are the scholars, wielding power by intense study and intellect, EHs are savants - their power comes naturally, often without conscious will. They possess potent abilities, sometimes exceeding their Mage cousins, though only ever in a single area.


    The difference can be difficult to see at first, so we look at a few examples:


    - A chi-using Mage is capable of using their focus ritual to greatly enhance their speed or strength. They may also be able to enhance other aspects of their physical abilities. Meanwhile a physically-focused EH may do either of these things to an even greater degree, but not both. This enhancement may even be an effect they do not need to concentrate on in order to use, but they will never have access to the variety of enhancements the mage will.


    - An elemental magus has a focus on spells that harness heat and flame for a variety of purposes, from heating metal for forging to the creation of a small flaming whirlwind. Meanwhile an elemental EH may produce great amounts of focused flame and heat, but will again be limited to abilities within a fairly narrow range of applications. Within this band however, their skill will be far above what all but the most focused mages could achieve.


    Because their abilities require less focus, EHs benefit from a certain level of increased endurance when using their powers as well. Like mages, their powers can be very damaging to their bodies, and can result in death. It is much less likely for a rookie EH to be killed by their power than a rookie mage, because an EH's ability tends to come with an instinctive comprehension that mages have to learn. This makes them quicker studies, though less well-versed in the intricacies of the powers they wield.


    Unlike Mages, EHs do not have spellbooks and their powers are not listed in the same way. The character application should define the area the EH specializes in and the scope of their abilities (low drain, mid, and high should be provided). Because of the increased ability of an EH to improvise within their narrow band of capability, specific spells need not be listed.



    Like their cousins the Mages, EHs can have powers in nearly any field. It is, however, much more common for EHs to have powers focused on their physical attributes (strength and power for example), whereas elemental and mental powers are more common for Mages.



    Unlike mages, an EH does not need to extensively research their abilities and come to a true understanding before they are able to move their power into a new area because their powers function in a much more limited range to begin with, and they cannot move outside this range. They are gifted with the understanding they require, at least on a subconscious level, when they first receive their powers. This does not, however, mean that they start out at full power or cannot improve.


    For an EH, improving with their ability is much like training in a martial art. Because their ability comes to them more as an extension of their own body, they must rigorously train with it in order to sharpen it, develop the 'muscle memory' needed to use it well in a fight, and to increase their endurance to the particular exhaustion caused by their brand of power. An EH must train regularly with their power, like any athlete or martial artist, or risk slipping from their peak. Creativity within their narrower limitations of power scope makes for a master of this sort of power, but discipline is even more essential.



    If an Empowered Human is infected with the Lycanthrope or Vampire virus, the pathogens randomize, change or even eliminate abilities entirely. There's no way to predict this change, though power is always diminished. The Zombie virus will completely wipe out all abilities, along with all higher brain functions!





    What separates a Metahuman from an Empowered Human is a genetic change to their actual physiology which can no longer be considered Human. Even though some Empowered Humans can wield fantastic abilities, genetically speaking, they are still Homo-Sapien. Metahumans on the other hand, at least those who still look 'Human' would be considered Homo-Meta-Sapien. Bottom line is that they are no longer Human.


    Metahuman is the sudden genetic expression of permanent changes to their physiology whereas Empowered Humans have a 'switch' that turns the abilities on and off, meta humans do not. Unlike how a magus needs to spell-cast, or a psychic needs to concentrate, a meta humans change is permanent and 'on' at all times.


    Metahumans are humans that, since the Nevus event, have within their DNA, genes that were previously dormant that suddenly expressed themselves or even mutated. They comprise about 1/3 of the total human population on the planet.


    These can be anything from elves to reptilian to 'furry' types. The only limitation is that they are not mutants ala X-Men and anything beyond what their race might give them they are nothing special. For example, a troll will probably be able to pick up a bus, but not throw the bus, fly, or shoot fire from his eyes. Some cannot use magic (Dwarves in particular are often magically challenged), but most are unrestricted in that sense.



    The main difference between a Metahuman and an Empowered Human is that their 'change' has turned them into something else and with that change comes 'EVOLUTIONARY MEMORY'. This is basically the fundamental nature of the 'being' that they have transformed into. If the person became an 'Elf', their brain, their thoughts, will over time become Elven. In some extreme cases the 'evolutionary memory' will actually over-write memory because the being that they became clashes with the Human mind (as is the case with Fae). Basically, a Metahuman Elf, is NOT a Human that looks like an Elf, they are an Elf that was once a Human. For some beings the essence of what they were can remain intact, for others this may drastically change.



    Like Empowered Humans, Metahumans have their own set of abilities but these adhere to the theme of what they become. An Elf for instance will have their own set of abilities as would any specific type of mythic being. It's up to you to interpret how these powers will manifest in your Metahuman character and while we're flexible in this sense we do also expect some accuracy in accordance to the being you've chosen.



    Now we do have a gray area here that needs to be addressed. This concerns the 'Human' who has developed heightened attributes, faster, longer, stronger, better vision, that sort of stuff. This is a permanent physiological change, so yes, they would be 'Metahuman' because their muscles, their metabolism, bone structure is genetically different. If they HAVE NOT become some other distinct race that looks Human then you're character is a 'classic style Metahuman' not unlike those of comic-book lore. If they have powers too, then it's the best of both worlds but we don't allow the same level of power to Metahumans. If you want a lot of powers you have to be an Empowered Human (who would NOT have permanent physiological changes) or a Metahuman that transformed into another race. If your Metahuman character is a physically enhanced Human who never 'changed into another race', other than becoming physiologically different on the inside then they are allowed ONLY ONE OTHER ABILITY aside from their physical enhancements.


    This would also be representative of any being that has physiologically changed into what we can refer to as an 'ADAPTIVE HUMAN'. An example of this would be an 'aquatic humanoid' or a man with stone skin. These are permanent physical changes and these types of characters will still only be allowed ONE OTHER ABILITY to go along with their physical adaptation. IF during the application approval the moderator considers the combination too powerful it will not be allowed.



    The following creatures exemplify Metahumans that transform into creatures that would not be considered Fae but rather their own race. Remember, a 'Metahuman' is any Human that transformed during the beginning of the Resonance in 2010. They could change into just about anything.



    A satyr is a mythical creature with a body that is part human, part goat. While it varies with the individual, they will generally have goat horns, and legs, the torso, arms, and face of a human, and an equine-style tail. Some bear more animal-like traits in the face, or might be hairy all over their bodies. They tend to be drawn towards the mountains and woods, though in the post-Resonance world they can live anywhere. They are often fond of music, being known for playing pipes (sometimes knowing supernatural tunes, such as the ability to persuade others with music). They are often wild and untamed, and in ancient mythology they spent their time drinking, dancing, and chasing nymphs.



    Goblins are sort, ill tempered, and generally foul beings that inhabit darker places of the world. They generally have green or black skin, large pointed ears, and quite often a foul stench. Post-Resonance goblins may well be intelligent, caring people who resent these stereotypes, but the fact remains that the average goblin is well deserving of their poor reputation. While not physically strong, they tend to be cunning and wicked, often skilled at subterfuge and deceit.



    Short and stout, Dwarves tend to have thick fingers, bulbous noses, and quite often full beards. They tend to live in mountainous regions, often migrating towards the Rockies, where colonies of dwarves have opened up mines in search of lost treasures that may have resurfaced after the Resonance. They also tend to have a love of ale, good food, and debauchery. They are often skilled craftsmen.



    In contrast to lore, Orc are neither inherently good or evil. Having green skin and (sometimes) protruding tusks from the lower jaw, they are considered to be quite ugly by the 'fairer' species of Humans and Elves. Having a robust, stout constitution, Orcs are 4-5 times stronger than a typical human, and have thicker bones and skulls. Tough would be the word to describe them. Orcs are limited to shamanic or druidic magic, if they are a member of the OU.



    Half-man, half-horse. Quick and nimble, the centaur can be at home in urban or natural environments, although being a half horse will pose many difficulties in the city. Namely being... shop owners won't want you in their store perhaps... and the problem with public restrooms is a little vexing but most centaurs have begun to adapt to their new lives as half animals.

    Edited by Zeph

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