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    Dec 29, 2022 -YES - ITS BEEN A WHILE

    History of the Veil Alliance

    Birth of Fanya Niasa

    2010 changed not only the face of Earth, but the lives of those torn from their own worlds. The Veil Crossers or Outworlders as the world came to call them were both humanoid and non. In those first days those that were too "visibly" non-human were slaughtered by the humans that feared them, making existence as an Outworlder a very tenuous thing.


    South America quickly became a safe haven. The dense forests of the lower hemisphere and temperate climate made an ideal home for the displaced of the veil. To those that understood nature in an intimate way that humans did not, the wilderness of South America offered them a "holy" sanctuary, a place where they could vanish even from the most avid hunter. 


    The fae quickly learned it was easy to terrorize the humans with their abilities. The rainforests of South America soon became known as "haunted" and soon the forests were devoid of the presence all together. While seen as lesser beings, the elves took advantage of the fae's "cleansing", moving towards the safety of the woods, taking over the prime locations with their greater numbers.


    Normally on opposing sides, the Light and Southern elves made their truce in order to protect their fragile numbers. A tentative alliance was formed, one that lived under the protective cover of the fae but excluded them.


    The First Council

    Huor Mithrandír was low ranking royalty on Ilsador. An insignificant among giants. On earth however....


    Huor found himself a giant among scattered remnants of worlds. The charisma that fell a bit short on his own world, captured the imagination of the few desperate elves that found themselves stranded on earth. It was Huor that pushed them to seek refuge in the fae protected forests, it was Huor that established the first council, uniting the elves under a single banner.


    Naming himself Taurn Heru, Huor hand picked the other council, choosing those that exuded an air of royalty and yet did not in his eyes seem more powerful than himself. He was establishing a new regal lineage on this new world while ensuring his seat at the head of the table remained unthreatened.


    The Second Council

    Until 2013, the Fanya Niasa was still small, an insignificant, unseen faction upon a big new world. But the second Nevus event changed their position in the world, and the tranquility that anonymity had afforded them. 2013 altered South America irrevocably. As the veil crossers became the dominant presence in the lower continent, the remaining humans let fear guide them. Acts of terrorism against the Fanya grew in number and intensity, the new veil crossers struggled to protect themselves. It was the fae that protected them, it was the fae that hid their headquarters from the rest of the world. The act was hardly a selfless one. Amras came before the council and demanded a place upon it for the fae or their protection would be revoked. Huor would have refused if not for Alatariel's insistence that those of the veil needed to ally as one on this new world.


    The second council was formed including the greater and lesser fae representatives. But whereas the first council held a fairly tight reign on the small population of veil crossers, the greater numbers have plagued the second council with the true nature of elves and fae. Fierce and free, they are loyal only when it suits them, amiable when they feel like, willing to abide by rules nearly never. Though it would be a mistake for humans to assume there was no power in the Fanya Niasa. If threatened, their numbers could become a chaotic army that the world is likely ill prepared to fight.


    One thing does unite them - the veil crossers that fled and stayed in South America have no love for the humans of this world they are now stranded on.



    Shortly after the second wave in South America, the NARWA corporation emerged. Headed by @Durion Caranthir, the corporation offered the alliance something it had been lacking, a means for income on this world. A means to become a formidable nation in their own right. More companies have formed since then, but NARWA started the growth in South America and continues to be the largest corporation within Fanya Niasa, employing both elven and fae as well as the occasional Earthborn. To the chagrin of the elves on the council, NARWA is vigorously privately owned and while Durion follows the laws of the Alliance, he also feels no need to let them own what he has built as he has more belief in protecting their own than just protecting the elite - a topic he often goes toe to toe with the High Lord on. 


    Gives Us Your Wretched Masses Yearning to be Free......

    Late in 2019 and much more prominently in 2020, a resurgence of oppression is seen across the world against Outworlders. It seemed that the Earthborn, now that their societies no longer struggled for mere survival, returned to their hatred of all things not like them, a scapegoat needed for their own miserable lives. The Outworlder registration cued violence the likes of which had not really been known to most Outworlders but was an unfortunate constant throughout the Earthborn history.


    Started by the CEO of NARWA but expanded quickly to encompass most of the business in the Fanya territory, an underground "railroad" was started that included Earthborn sympathizers. Shippers were smuggling people from all points of the world and they were finding their way to South America. The number of citizens in the Fanya Niasa Alliance doubled in the span of just 14 months. This growth forced them to also start expanding their territory. The islands to the north were easy pickings, most Earthborn had abandoned these as they were too difficult to get to without steady travel accommodations. More difficult was the land grabs north into Mexico. Clashes with the Vanguard were common there but the Vanguard was also trying to hold its land to the North as the Eastern Alliance spread. This meant their forces were spread thin and Fanya, often without much violence, quietly pushed the border ever northward.


    Now Fanya is on the cusp of being a Nation the world has to recognize. With NARWA, they have a monopoly on the global supply of coffee, sugar, soy and even the production of iron ore which was slow to be needed at first but now that the world is recovering it needs the raw materials. The time is nearly there for them to be recognized officially as their own nation and have a seat at the world table.

    Edited by Zeph

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